New Strategies for a New Normal

Wilderness Inquiry

Shifting Priorities During the Pandemic

Wilderness Inquiry, a nonprofit focused on inclusive outdoor opportunities, brings people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds on recreational adventures across the world. After a hiatus of in-person programming due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wilderness Inquiry enlisted Neuger to help promote spring 2021 trips and new travel protocols.

Driving Registrations for Virtual Programming

Through Google SEM and Meta ads and identifying website improvements, Neuger helped Wilderness Inquiry clearly communicate how their programing was going to be offered in light of restrictions and the ongoing pandemic. We also developed a detailed landing page that featured information on protocols and registration – key to capturing registrations and communicating a message of safety. Meta ads utilized custom lists and lookalike audiences.

Reaching New and Old Audiences

Combining SEM and conversion-focused digital advertising allowed Wilderness Inquiry to successfully launch virtual explorer programming for adults and youth, as well as continue to promote their modified trip offerings. These efforts have led to more than 416 registrations for virtual programming and more than 20 group leads for in-person trips.

Trip Ad


Wilderness Inquiry



