Refreshing the Westonka School District Brand
Westonka Public Schools

Westonka Public Schools came to Neuger needing a consistent and distinctive brand, proudly representing Westonka’s small school advantages with big school opportunities.
Understanding the Landscape
We began by conducting market research including a communications audit, phone interviews and a focus group to gather insights, perspectives and input.
Fine-tuning a New Brand: The Ideal Blend
Next we presented several brand platforms for the committee’s consideration. The Westonka Board and marketing team landed on a brand articulating “The Ideal Blend”, including brand promises, supporting messages and a tagline.

In With the New
From there, we presented multiple options for a new district logo. The chosen option features a strong, stable W that reflects the comfort and spirit of the Westonka community, including nods to the West, the White Hawk athletic identity and the waves of Lake Minnetonka.
District-wide Impact
Between academics, athletics and activities, the district had over ten legacy logos in circulation and use. Our next challenge was to develop a new suite of icons, logos and marks to support and reinforce the refreshed Westonka brand across the district.

Next we created a launch plan to introduce the new brand and gain community buy-in. We utilized a multi-channel approach including the district e-newsletter, an informational video and brand page on the district’s website.

The new brand and graphic identity have been extraordinarily well received by teachers, staff and the Westonka community. The new look has been embraced with consistent implementation as brand materials, clothing and uniforms are developed. The new brand laid a strong foundation to support Westonka’s growth and evolution into the future.
We hired Neuger to help us refresh our brand and develop a new graphic identity
system for Westonka Public Schools. We are a first-rate public school district offering
small school advantages with big school opportunities and we needed our brand to
better reflect that. Neuger was just the partner we were looking for: strategic, creative,
responsive and flexible. They promised to delight us and they delivered.
Kevin Borg
Westonka Public Schools Superintendent
Westonka Public Schools